William Wohlsifer
http://infringement-attorney.com Practicing primarily in debt collection, creditors' rights, commercial litigation, copyright and trademark infringement, royalty recovery, brand protection, and condominium law. Filed lawsuit against Anheuser-Busch Incorporated, Amerada Hess Corporation, Nestle Waters North America, Inc., and Exclusive Sports Marketing, Inc. for infringement of likeness of amateur athlete for commercial purpose Filed lawsuit against BBC (London) for invasion of privacy and intrusion upon seclusion, and infringement of likeness of private individual. Defended dozens of defendants charged with illegal download of DirecTV's® satellite signal alleged to be in violation of the Copyright Act, Title 17§ USC 501-508 in federal courts. Represented Internet users charged with illegal download of adult film content using BitTorrent or other P2P (Peer-to-peer) file sharing programs. Represented NASCAR® as lead counsel in more than 100 cases arising from breach of intellectual property licensing agreements seeking collection of outstanding royalty revenue, and prosecution of copyright and trademark infringement.