Jason Chaffetz pointed out that secret services office holders will be in talks with panel members on gyrocopter which landed at the Capitol Hill lawn. According to him, agency officials would be brief members and Washington parlance during a meeting. It happened four days after Doug Hughes had piloted a lightweight aircraft onto Hill’s West Lawn via restricted airspace. Chaffetz voiced his concerns regarding the agents interviewing Doug Hughes on his home twice in Tampa Bay. Last time, it occurred in 2013 regarding his planning to execute such operation demanding reforms on campaign finance.
Utah republican Chaffetz reflected on giving time to officials to sort out things. Chaffetz said that as congress member, he wasn’t alerted on midday incident. He also expressed concerns agency director Clancy’s competence for improving the agency through his potential. Clancy is not going to be fired by Chaffetz. The unparalleled reputation of agency suffered a massive blow during recent years owing to certain embarrassing incidents. It includes 2012 scandal involving two dozen of secret services and the military personnel being disciplined owing to involvement in drinking and legitimate prostitution.
In 2014 September, a man holding a knife was allowed jumping over white house fence by Secret Service cops to enter presidential residence. On similar lines, two agents took a government issued vehicle nearby a bomb investigation in White House. It was reportedly done after getting drunk at night during send off ceremony of an employee.
Post the incident involving gyrocopter as per Senate aide; the Capitol cops were aware of Hughes plan prior to his moving away from Gettysburg vicinity. According to Leary, the spokesperson from Secret Service, Hughes was interviewed during October 2013 at Florida. It took place after receiving information out of a citizen concerned on a person purporting a desire of landing a one manned aircraft over the US capitol or White House grounds.
According to Brown Leary, details were shared with police after whom a fully fledged investigation was also conducted. Two hours post the landing of gyrocopter machine, cops made an announcement of bomb squad clearing it and no hazardous material being found. Michael McCaul, chairman of House Committee on Homeland Security, points that authorities were ready to shoot both Hughes and one manned aircraft provided it got closer to Capitol.
According to McCaul, these kinds of aircrafts tend to present a challenge for successful detection. However, a more significant issue should be the ways these circumstances reveal the threats to homeland security. Doug Hughes was charged for operation of an uncertified aircraft and violation of national air space. He was given the permission to go home by only wearing the electronic monitoring bracelet on ankle. He has to do this till the court hearing on May 8 at Washington.
The issue has been received by masses in US with mixed reactions. While Hughes may be portrayed as a reckless character, his admirers only give him the tag of national hero. There is more to what meets the eye on this matter.
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